
Wedding Vendor Do’s and Don’ts for 2021

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Vendor Do’s And Don’ts For 2021

The year 2020 has been unprecedented in so many ways. A lot of people started the year with high hopes and even the most pessimistic of them all, would never have envisioned the pandemic that was to come. But like any difficulties or challenges that arise, we learn to adapt, and make necessary changes to continue with our lives and our businesses and the Coronavirus pandemic is no exception.

From the onset of the virus outbreak, large gatherings have been prohibited and the world took on a new culture of social distancing. The Wedding industry has suffered tremendously as Wedding ceremonies and other events previously slated for 2020 had to either be canceled, drastically downsized or postponed. 

While living in this constant state of flux it is extremely difficult for Wedding Vendors to find their footing because it seems as if the restrictions are changing every few weeks. We understand how overwhelming this has all been so we have compiled a list of Vendor Do’s and Don’ts to help you navigate through these uncertain times.

Don’t Panic

Being a wedding vendor during a pandemic is definitely uncharted waters for us all, but just before you start to panic, take a deep breath and remain calm because there is only so much that you can do. The situation might look bleak but not all hope is lost. It is a fact that 2021 weddings are going to be very different from the typical weddings we are used to, but the important thing is not to focus on the problem but the solution. Finding a way to cultivate the magic of your clients dream wedding, while managing the regulations in place will be very fulfilling and should be your main focus.

Do: Reach Out to Your Clients 

Emotions are high everywhere with couples fretting and confused about what to do as a result of the pandemic. Your clients will be looking up to you for guidance on whether or not to keep planning their weddings despite not knowing what the future will bring.  Be honest, be kind and remind them of what’s important. You can do this via your social media business page, email or perhaps reaching out to them by phone. Planning a wedding during this pandemic is possible, but it requires openness and flexibility.

Don’t be in a Haste to make a decision

One of the biggest decisions facing engaged couples is whether or not to postpone their wedding ceremony. This global pandemic has changed life as we know it, so the option of postponement is safe for some and simply impossible for others. Inform your clients not to rush into any decisions but rather consider the consequences and benefits of both., and to consider the following factors:

  • Availability of vendors
  • What are the non-negotiables
  • Consider the guests/ travel plans
  • Health risks

Do: Go Virtual

Many Wedding vendors had to let go of their retail space in 2020 or find alternate ways of doing business with their clients, such as holding virtual consultations, expanding their product offerings to e-commerce and creating a virtual presence on social media. We are all experiencing a time where sales have generally declined, but that doesn’t mean that we give up. Now is the perfect time to offer VALUE! Create videos, blogs, websites and courses that serve your clients. Sometimes providing value to others means that you won’t see returns from your efforts right away, instead fix your mindset on long term investment. Build your brand and your reputation as an expert in your field.

Do: Follow up on Covid-19 Updates

It is important to follow the news and keep up to date with all Covid-19 information and restrictions, especially those around social gatherings. 

Do: Uphold All Safety Measures

A lot is still unknown about the novel coronavirus and so all safety precautions must be put in place prior to and during the wedding ceremony and reception. Hand sanitizer and face masks should be available to you and your staff at all times and social distancing should be factored into your business operations.


No matter how difficult it may seem, you should know that you aren’t alone in this, so many businesses out there are in the same boat. The pandemic may have greatly affected our world but it has not stopped us from forging ahead and planning for the future, even in the midst of the unknown.

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